We love those uplifting, feel good stories about survivors who have battled adversity to create a life following brain injury; who have proven doctors and doubters wrong by raising themselves from the ashes. These stories are good for the human spirit and good for the soul; handing us doses of confidence and inspiration by focusing on the best of our human qualities; ... Read On
Lost My Car & Nearly Fell Into the “Brain Injury Trap”
I get a laugh when I mention to somebody that I lost my car in the parking lot and they respond with, "Oh yeah, I do that all the time." I know they are just trying to be cute and funny or to find a way to make a connection with me, but what these people don't understand is that there is nothing cute or funny about a brain injured individual having to deal with constantly ... Read On
My Mental Balancing Act-Post Brain Injury
For the last forty three years, since my car crash and month long coma, I have essentially been performing one big balancing act. Over this time I have learned what it takes to maintain my balance on the brain injury high wire; balancing what I used to be, what I was becoming, what I thought I was and my new reality in order to build a life that works. I will be ... Read On
The Truth About Football, CTE and Us
The last several years we have learned about the repercussions of repetitive hits to the heads of our football heroes. Do we really understand though? We see stories about them on the news or read about them in newspaper articles, focused, not on past glories or achievements, but on present day despair. On regrets. On wishing they had lived their lives differently. We see ... Read On
Neuroplasticity and TBI: Like PB and J
Peanut butter and jelly seem to have been born together; they're inseparable. Like ham and cheese. Or oreo cookies and milk. Believe it or not, brain injury also has a partner in crime; that one thing that is synonymous with brain injury. This item goes hand-in-hand with brain injury, but unlike the others I just mentioned, it is not a thing; it is a concept. Let me ... Read On