We struggle so much and we all need that occasional good word; that boost of confidence that comes when someone acknowledges you. Many times during the first two to three years after my brain injury I found myself stuck; unable to move. I was paralyzed. The world seemed to be angry with me, punishing me for something I didn't do. I was always butting my head up against ... Read On
The Importance of Feeling as Though We Belong
After my Brain injury I worked hard to get back the skills and abilities that I had lost, driven by the desire to get back to where I used to be. It was obvious to me that getting those fundamental skills back; walking, talking, tying my shoes, etc., would get me there. However, after months and even years of failure, stuck in a depression and frustration, I saw ... Read On
“Stuff” I Have Forgotten Since My TBI
Of course there have been many things - all kinds of things - I have forgotten at some point since my TBI, but I'm not talking here about everyday things. I don't mean it the same way that we TBI survivors have become used to: those memory problems that plague us daily and won't go away. Forgetting in our daily lives is something we are all familiar with. We forget things ... Read On
When they say, “Stop Using that Brain Injury Thing-ie Excuse”
There are some things people say that cut right to the quick, leaving you bruised and bleeding as though a cat-o-nine tails had just snapped your skin open. These are words so hurtful you can't believe anyone would utter them, never mind that they are usually said by someone close to you, who knows you, and is supposed to care about you. What messes you up even more is ... Read On
Starting the New Year Off with NO DOUBT!!
Wouldn't it be something to start the New Year off without that nagging, ever-present feeling of doubt? Just think what life would be like without those voices in our heads questioning and second guessing every decision we make? It's true that one of the fiercest battles we, as TBI survivors, find ourselves engaged in, is the battle against doubt. After a Brain Injury, self ... Read On